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Hi all,
I wanted to do something good and make the world a better place. When I found out that family law and civil legal aid matters if left unchecked cause huge waves in the lives of those directly impacted and a ripple effect for their communities that lead to the rampant issues that plague our city,
I knew I had to help.
That's why I created a fundraiser to support the Milwaukee Bar Association Foundation's campaign for the Milwaukee Justice Center (MJC). The MJC is a hand to hold to help people identify, work through and resolve the legal issues that plague their lives. Without help on these issues people can lose their homes, jobs, children and way of life. Supporting the MJC ensures those in the most need have a place to go for help and with increased support, the MJC can help even more people with expanded services. No one should have to face the legal system alone. —and you can be a part of the solution.
Check out my fundraising page and please consider making a donation to help me reach my goal of
[Your Fundraiser's Goal Will Automatically Go Here].
Give today.
Giving online is easy and fast, and your support will make a real difference. I appreciate your help!
[Your Fundraiser's Name Will Automatically Go Here!]
Social Post
I just started a fundraiser for the Milwaukee Justice Center (MJC) - Help me reach my goal! The MJC is a hand to hold to help people identify, work through and resolve the legal issues that plague their lives. Without help on these issues people can lose their homes, jobs, children and way of life.